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Here we have it – the closest you will ever get to the true. original recipe Dr Pepper! Wondering what we mean by that? Well. grab a DP and get ready for story time…

Dr Pepper debuted in Waco. Texas in 1885. It became an almost instant success. growing to be one of America’s biggest refreshment treats. For almost 100 years. Dr Pepper was made with real cane sugar. Many people believe that the use of real sugar in sodas gives them a far better flavour profile. more akin to the classic sodas of the good old days. However. in the late 1970s/early 1980s. most soda manufacturers switched to using high fructose corn syrup to sweeten their sodas due to it being much cheaper. This led to an unwelcome change in taste for many – a ‘cheaper. less naturally sweet’ flavour.

However. one Dr Pepper bottling plant quietly refused to change – the Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company in Dublin. Texas. which had been producing Dr Pepper since 1891. For decades after the mainstream switch to corn syrup. this single bottling plant refused to change and continued to use real sugar. taking the higher cost on the chin in exchange for producing the far-better-tasting OG Dr Pepper – a Dr Pepper which was made exactly to the original recipe. Over time. this caused their Dr Pepper to be called ‘Dublin Dr Pepper’ and people from all over the US. not just Texas. clamoured for it. staying loyal to the soda and drinking ONLY Dublin Dr Pepper. This is because many people believe that the use of real sugar in sodas gives them a far better flavour profile. more akin to the classic sodas of the ‘good old days’.

Then. in 2011. the party was ruined… Dr Pepper Snapple Group. the owner of Dr Pepper. sued the Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company. stopping them from using the ‘Dublin Dr Pepper’ name. Naturally. being sued by a huge corporation came at great cost for the bottling company. and so they were forced to agree to a sale of their rights to Dr Pepper Snapple Group. All of this led to public outcry and a shortage of the precious ‘Dublin Dr Pepper’. In 2012. it was announced thatthe Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company would be known as Dublin Bottling Works. and would no longer produce ‘Dublin Dr Pepper’.

However. as a consolation. a unit of Dr Pepper Snapple Group continued to produce small batches of real-sugar-sweetened Dr Pepper for only six counties across Central Texas. So. essentially. this is Dublin Dr Pepper without ‘Dublin’ written on the bottle. Not the fairy tale ending for all involved. but. thanks to the perseverance and hard-headedness of Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company. this beloved OG recipe Dr Pepper was not banished forever and continues to live on to be enjoyed by only a few people in Texas… Or. by you! Seeing as we’ve pulled out all the stops to get hold of this bottle of classic. ‘good old days’. soda joy. you can grab a bottle from us!


water. sugar. E150. phosphoric acid. natural and artificial flavors. E211 (preservative). caffeine.


Per 355ml
ENERGY (kj) 628
ENERGY (kcal) 150
Fat (g) 0
– of which saturates (g) 0
Carbohydrates (g) 40
– of which sugars (g) 40
Fibre (g) 0
Protein (g) 0
Salt (mg) 55
Protein (g) 0
Salt (mg) 55


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